Youth Development Foundation
Building Movement of Interfaith Actions in Pakistan
We Empower Leaders of Tomorrow
We empower the young generation of Pakistan toward sustainable solutions.
Preventing Violent
Extremism (PVE)
It is not enough to counter violent extremism - we need to prevent it.
Peace & Religious
religious tolerance, education about religions as a pathway to world peace.
Civic Education
and Democracy
It can be termed as education for social responsibility, political participation
14 Years of Peace Building
Founded in 2010, YDF exists to foster social cohesion in Pakistani society by initiating a youth-led movement that would teardown socio-cultural, religious, and communal barriers; cherish the immense social diversity and protect the rights of minorities and other marginalized groups.
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YDF has four offices in areas of Lahore (Head Office), Multan, Karachi, and Faisalabad,
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21 full time, and 4 part-time employees.
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that includes university students, diverse youth, women and young religious leaders.
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districts across Punjab, KP, and Sindh regions of Pakistan.
YDF Achievement
YDF received the 4th consecutive Annual Human Rights Award from the office of the Chief Minister Government of the Punjab, on International Human Rights Day.